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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What payment methods are accepted?

  • Credit or debit card: you can pay with your Mastercard, Visa, Maestro or America Express credit/debit card and also via the Google Pay or Apple Pay circuits. To guarantee maximum security for our customers, we have chosen to use the Shopify Payments electronic platform for managing transactions.
  • PayPal: you can pay for your order by connecting directly to your PayPal account, or you can use PayPal as a circuit for your credit/debit card.
  • Google Pay: you can pay for your order using the Google Pay circuit for your credit/debit card.

ERRETY FASHION does not record and will never ask you for information or data relating to your credit/debit cards.

Is it possible to request an invoice?

Yes, once an order has been placed it will automatically be confirmed via email. Here you will find a link to download the invoice in PDF. If problems persist, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can open the Live Chat at the bottom right and follow the instructions from there.

Delivery time

If the products you ordered are in stock, your order will be processed and ready to ship within 1-3 business days. However, if some products are not immediately available, order processing time may take 4-8 business days.

Once delivered to the courier, the package will be delivered to Italy within 48/72 hours, with the exception of the islands and the most remote regions. For shipments abroad, however, delivery times once the order has been entrusted to the courier vary from three to seven working days.

Shipping costs

There are no shipping costs for orders over €50.00. For orders lower than this amount, shipping costs are €5.90. For orders abroad the shipping costs are €12.90.

How does the return work?

If you have placed an order on our site and the items ordered are not to your satisfaction, you can proceed with the return of your items. Simply contact us via email and we will provide you with the shipping label and instructions to follow.

How does the refund work?

Following a return, we will check that the items we have received are not damaged and will then proceed with the refund. The normally expected times are 10 working days from the date of delivery of the package to the courier. If you have paid standard shipping costs and decide to return the order in full, these will be refunded to you. If you have paid standard shipping costs and decide to return the order partially, these will not be refunded.

  • Did you pay by credit card?
    In this case the refund will be made to the same card or to the associated current account.
  • Did you pay with Paypal?
    You will receive the amount relating to the returned items on the same Paypal account.
  • Have you made an advance payment by bank transfer?
    The refund will be made to the same current account. However, you will need to send us your bank details.

Is the return free?

Ours is a company that is very attentive to sustainability. Given the increasingly growing environmental impacts due to the phenomenon of returns, we have decided to set a flat rate of €3.90 for the return. This cost will be deducted from your total refund.

Item change or size change?

If the item you purchased is not to your liking or the size ordered is incorrect, you can proceed with exchanging the item. You will need to send an email to to inform one of our specialists of the exchange you want to make. Once you have identified the product to be exchanged you will have to pack the items in their original packaging and entrust the package to a courier. Delivery costs to our office are borne by the customer. Ship the item to the following address: Giovanni Trapani (sales manager), Via Giovan Battista Fagiuoli 24, 50135 Florence (FI), Italy. Exchange items will be sent to you after we receive the items you sent and shipping costs will be free.

Are there order minimums?

There are no order minimums. You can buy just one piece of any product.

Are there quantity discounts?

Yes, to facilitate purchases for those who need to order more than 10 items we have created special discounts. If you are a large company and need to place large orders, write to and one of our specialists will immediately contact you to structure a tailor-made quote.